Elizabeth Robertson Campbell author of The Choice

Meet the "It's Time" Team - Introducing Elizabeth

Elizabeth Robertson Campbell

Her "It's Time" role: artist, co-designer, edits

Her story goes like this...

Liz is the author of the true life story “The Choice” and “Shabbat Shalom and All the Jazz – What’s it got to do with Me?” and an artist of incredible talent!

I have known Elizabeth as an acquaintance for a few years and it has only been recently that her and I have become fast friends and what I like to call" partners in paint and ink". Liz with her paintbrush and me with my pen.

I wanted to give you my perspective on what a remarkable and genuine woman she is. She is the real deal but before I go on let me tell you how this partnership was born and the interesting journey we found ourselves on over the last year.

I met Liz a few times - the first time at the fund raiser for her book "The Choice" that is being made into a movie this year (we will keep you posted on this exciting adventure) and again at her Woven Destiny's concert - a first for Cape Town where Jews and Christians gathered in one of our oldest synagogues to give praise to our YHVH - The G_d of Avraham, Yitschak and Yakov! She worked tirelessly together with WIZO - an amazing organisation for Israeli women and children in need - to bring an event of historic and prophetic significance together under one roof in unity! This was my first experience of Liz, a small but super-dynamic human being - passionate for her Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters - dedicated to her Abba Father and always smiling and filled with Father's love and wisdom.

When I started this calendar - I experienced a few bumps in the road and I needed an artist. I felt so strongly about putting this calendar into action but had no idea where to find the person who would share the vision for this project and have the same heart for getting in rhythm with His ancient ways (olam). I sat one night with a bit of despair creeping over me when I felt Father tell me to go to Facebook and type in "Hebraic artists Cape Town" and the only name that came up was Elizabeth Robertson Campbell! The miracle of this is that when I typed the same keywords in this morning her name doesn't come up anymore. Another miracle of Father's perfect timing and direction!

So, after 2 weeks of doing this I finally picked up the courage to approach her and I was in for a meeting of favour and blessing beyond my expectations.

Here in Cape Town, Liz is quite well known and it felt a little daunting asking her for an appointment to discuss a project. When we met, I held the vision out to her and she didn't hesitate at all - she wept with joy and grabbed hold of it with absolute fervour. It was a poignant moment for us both.

Liz's work was about to begin - armed with some of my research, her incredible understanding of Father’s Sabbaths and Appointed seasons and her passion for her Abba Father she promised me all 13 paintings would be done within the time frame we had. As with all anointed projects – none of them happen without obstacles and challenges and it was at this time that Liz was pulled into so many exciting and demanding directions.

She was invited to speak at a conference in Singapore, her movie project took flight with director visits and meetings galore and to top it all off, Liz and her hubby Jamie, had to pack up and move house!

They had no sooner packed up house when they were packing their bags again to travel through to Namibia and Zimbabwe to minister on the festivals and lead people in the celebrations of Yom teruah (Feast of Tabernacles), Yom Kippur (Feast of Atonement) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles. On returning back to South Africa for a few days to do some washing and catch their breath they were off again to Israel to meet with the director and script writer for the movie! It was a marathon time full of testimony and Father’s grace and as with all things - Liz took it in her stride, with Jamie her ever wise, supportive and loving husband!

Through all of these challenges Liz continued to assure me that the paintings would be done and so before she left for her travels she delivered the cover for the calendar and the 1st month! They were far more than I had hoped for – she is so talented and her ability to paint with water colours is phenomenal! Liz has an amazing ability to put me at ease and speak beautiful peace over situations and of course, I learned to surrender my timing as did she. After all, this project was about Adonai's time and not our own!

Elizabeth Robertson Campbell

When Liz returned from Israel she was ready to paint and we prayed that it would just flow for her under Father's guidance and anointing. Not having a studio was a bit of challenge which was quickly resolved when her gracious friends, Sandy and Cedric Van Zyl, stepped in to offer their lovely patio for Liz to use. The paintings just flowed for Liz and what I thought could never be finished in such a short space of time where ready right on time for us to photograph and bring the design process to completion. When you buy your copy, you will see that the paintings are incomplete. Each year Liz is going to add to the paintings until they are complete in year 3.  I , personally, cannot wait to see what they will hold next year!

This is a picture of our walk with Father and the hope that as we take the first step of faith onto His ancient paths, He will bring life and colour to our journey with Him and we know that He will complete all that He has begun in us.

Working with Liz has been such an honour. She is so supportive of those around her - always ready with encouragement and prayer and open to ideas and direction. Getting to know her character and the women she is has been profound.

Elizabeth Robertson Campbell

This is Liz - my perspective and those of others: She has such a servant heart and a compassion for people; she is humble in taking correction and quick to take responsibility for what is hers; she is a woman of her word and a woman of the Word; she is brave and courageous and when it comes to her Abba and His message - she tells it like it is and should be; she is generous and forgiving; talented and funny; she has style and a beauty that shines from deep within her spirit; she is a light for her El Elyon and the tip of an arrow - moving and shifting hearts, mindsets and igniting hearts for Abba's ancient olam.

And yes, Liz has her flaws as we all do - but you know what the best part is - is that Father first sees her heart and that heart is surrendered to her Abba along with her witty, kind and compassionate husband Jamie.

I am blessed beyond belief to have Liz with me on this team and counted as a sister in Yeshua and a friend.  Father knew how much I needed that more than I needed her paintbrush.

When her movie is made, based on her true-life story "The Choice", we will continue to see her ministry and life story unfold.

Father has plans for you Lizzy - plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

 Photographs by Claudia DeNobrega




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1 comment

Thank you, thank you, thank you! May Father bless you abundantly with all you need! Thank you!

Dinah Swan

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