It's Time - In servince we heal

Meet the "It's Time" Team - Introducing Paityn - In serving we heal

Paityn @jollieboxbakery
Her "It's Time" role: Administration and personal assistant
Her part in the story goes like this:
Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
Paityn has an incredible servant heart. She is not only my admin assistant but she is also my beautiful daughter. What a privilege it is to write about her today and share a very small piece of her precious story with you.
When I began planning this project she was one of my greatest encouragers. She has always believed in me and has spurred me on especially through the deep valleys I found myself in at the beginning of this journey. Father knows who to place in your life to stand by you and I am greatly blessed that my daughter has become such a positive and uplifting young woman to do just that.
Paityn's journey over the last 18 years of her life has not been an easy one. She went through a deeply traumatic experience at the age of 12 and has struggled with the after effects of that trauma for many years.
It was a really dark road for her to navigate and as a family we anguished with her and prayed earnestly for Yeshua to be her balm of Gilead.
There is nothing more devastating and debilitating than knowing your child has experienced trauma and the feeling of utter helpless that washes over you daily as you watch them navigate their pain.
We were always there to support her but we could not process the obstacles and challenges that the trauma caused her. All we could do was love her especially when she disappeared into her own safe world.
It was through a morning of anguished prayer for her and many tears that I heard Father's quiet voice and a promise for my daughter, that He would bring complete wholeness and healing to her. So complete that even her countenance would  be changed.
Father has been true to His word. We have watched Paityn take incredibly brave steps to her healing and grow into the most extraordinary young woman. She has always been a gift giver but what has moved my heart even more is the gift of giving of herself and I know this has been part of her healing process.
When we are able to give to others and take care of them we are opening the door for the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to minister to our spirits too.
It makes me think of the women who sat at Yeshua's feet, pouring the oil and her tears over his feet... in that moment of humility and service she received her greatest blessing - His healing touch and His words of beauty over her.
When I asked Paityn for help with the admin load she didn't hesitate and she has been my assistant every since. She often anticipates my needs and has been worth her weight in precious gems!
There is no greater gift for a mother, than to see her daughter grow and heal. Watching the Ruach at work in her life has been like a soft gentle breeze through the trees - you know it's there and you can feel the softness of breeze on your skin - quietly and gently He brings this transformation and when you open your eyes - you take in the glory of His healing.
I look at my daughter and see so much promise for her future. I see Abba Father's gentle touch of love and wholeness beginning to wash over her. She is the perfect example of the It's Time calendar - an incomplete painting right now but the colours are beginning to emerge in her life - the colours of Father's love, healing and revelation of who He is to her.
In serving we find healing
Slowly but surely she is beginning to dance in sync with Him and I can see the beauty of it all in her brave and faithful steps.
May this little piece of her story bless and encourage you to take your first steps to moving in sync with your Abba - He has so much for you - He longs to hold your hands and move your feet in time with His. All you need to do is surrender...
May the blessing of your King rest over you this day in every way.
Photographs by Claudia De Nobgrega
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As Paityn’s Nana I totally agree. We have watched Paityn blossom into an amazingly beautiful young woman who has so much love to give/share. . What a servant heart and such a gift giver ❤️

Janet Williams

Thank you so much Veronica xxx


Michelle this is an amazing testimony to love . Thank you for sharing. May God continue to richly bless you.

Veronica Wellburn



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