Week 2 of the Counting of the Omer - A reflective Study
We find ourselves in week 2 of the counting. For many of us, life is extremely busy and we are often consumed by what needs to be done.
This week continue our focus on the 7's as we count 7 days for 7 weeks.
2nd day of Creation – Hashem separates the mayim from the shamayim
On Day 2 of Creation, HaShem separated the upper waters from the lower waters. This separation on day 2 was not declared as good. It was only on day 3 when there was a gathering of the land and water masses into seas and oceans that HaShem declared it was good. So, what does this mean for us on this journey of sanctification?
We know that it is good to be separated from our sin and in fact the word holy means to be set apart. It is good for us to step away from the world and its ways but we must bring this process into fullness and ensure that after a time of separation we are gathered back into the goodness of Father’s glory. Just as the Israelites were separated from Egypt to be gathered at the foot of Mt Sinai to receive the fullness of His Word, so should we manage our processes of separation with gathering. Our God is a God of unity!
Let us focus this week on the things that we do truly need to separate from in our lives, all those things that separate us from the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh and all the things that keep us from the study of HaShem’s Word.
Ezra 6:21 The people of Isra’el who had returned from the exile and all those who had renounced the filthy practices of the nations living in the land in order to seek Adonai the God of Isra’el, ate [the Pesach lamb]
- What do you need to separate from this week?
- Are there ways of the world that have subtly crept into your lifestyle?
- What do you need to replace these with that would reflect the glory of your life in HaShem?
- What is your thought life like?
- Are there thoughts that need to be separated from your mind and replaced with the living water of the Word?
When we read scripture, we see that time and time again separation was required to bring restoration.
2 Corinthians 6:17 “Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord. “And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you.
Manifestation of the Spirit – Understanding (Binah)
Job 12:13 “With Him are wisdom and might; To Him belong counsel and understanding.
The word binah is connected to building and is also sometimes translated as discernment. When we start building we start in a place of separation. We separate out all the raw materials for the house, ready for assembly.
We know that without wisdom there cannot be discernment and so we see how these manifestations of the spirit are intrinsically tied to each other and how we begin to build our house.
Discernment is all about separation of what is right from wrong, good from evil and wise from foolish. Just as the Word brings separation between bone and marrow so we must learn to do the same in our daily lives. Discernment and understanding in our lives will lead us to live with Elohim’s Word in our hearts and His leading for our steps.
- Are you operating from a place of discernment or fear and confusion?
- Can you allow Father into your 'building site' and show you which areas of your house need a little (or a lot) more attention and care?
- Can you hand over the plans and build according to his blueprints and His process?
- How can you practically do this over the next few weeks?
Moedim – Unleavened bread
The Feast of Unleavened bread goes hand in hand with Passover. This time is about us searching out the leaven or chametz in our homes and making sure there is no chametz. Chametz in this case is seen as sin. Yeshua is a picture of the perfect Unleavened Bread without any sin and it is through His sacrifice that we have the gift of redemption.
The omer count is like an extension of the days of Unleavened Bread as we follow Yeshua’s footsteps to the mountain where we will receive the fullness of Father’s Word and His presence. Yeshua separated us from our sin but it is up to each of us to work out our salvation. We do this by drawing nearer to His presence and remaining separated from our sin through daily repentance, obedience to His Word and walking in His Pathways of righteousness.
- Is there chametz you are ignoring in the corners of your the rooms of your house?
- Isn’t it time to sweep it out?
- How can you begin to walk with more intention on this Omer count?
- Is there something you need to separate from in order to do this? e.g. TV, social media etc.
7 Churches – Smyrna
The k’hal (gathering) of Smyrna are not admonished at all by Yeshua. They were overcomers because they held fast to Yeshua and they were obedient to the Word of HaShem. At the time they were surrounded with false teachers and those who claimed to be believers but were in fact from the synagogue of Satan. It was a time filled with an onslaught of falseness, deception and an underlying agenda to cause entrapment and sin.
Myrrh is a burial spice and the word itself is related to the Hebrew word maror which means bitter. These bitter herbs are eaten at Unleavened bread and Passover to remind Israel of their suffering in Egypt. Smyrna knew this suffering and they knew of the victory in Yeshua's death for them. This myrrh became a fragrance of joy because of His resurrection, He was faithful unto death and this is was His call to Smyrna and His call to us.
This is also about the death of our flesh. It is a separation of flesh and spirit and our spirits should have authority over our flesh. It confirms the prophecy of the words echoed throughout the Torah of “the older shall serve the younger”. Our flesh was created before we received the breath of HaShem and this is why we must learn to surrender our flesh to the spirit.
- Have you been focused on strengthening your spirit and overcoming your flesh?
- If not, how can you make this more of a focus this week?
- Have you been neglecting the Word and spending time with Father?
- What can you practically put in place to make this your regular practice?
- Where have you overcome this week?
- What is your praise report?
This journey is not a race – that is why it is a daily count towards Shavuot. Father could have met with the Israelites on the other side of the Sea of Reeds but instead He gave them time to prepare their hearts for Him. The Counting of the Omer is just that. A time of preparation, one day at a time for 49 days so that on the 50th day we will be ready to meet HaShem at the mountain of glory.
Father, I ask that You walk with me in this time of the Counting of the Omer. Help me to completely surrender to You and the steps that You have ordered for my life. Help me to die to self each day as I focus more on Your Ways and how I can lead a life that will lead me ever closer to your throne and the fullness of your presence. I ask for increased wisdom and understanding so that I may boldly enter into your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise.
Protect me as I separate out the things in my life that keep me from growing in you and I ask for your strength to keep me intentionally focused on you and walking Your pathways of Righteousness.
Visit www.thecreationgospel.com for detailed study on each of these areas.
1 comment
Thank you Michelle. This was metsojan!!👏🏻👏🏻Batuch Abba!