From Michelle's Desk
Ki Tisa and the letter Hey Part 2
HaShem reveals Himself in silence. 1 Kings 19:11 - 12 “And he said, Go out and stand on the mountain before YAHWEH. And, behold, YAHWEH passed by, and a great...
Ki Tisa and the letter Hey Part 2
HaShem reveals Himself in silence. 1 Kings 19:11 - 12 “And he said, Go out and stand on the mountain before YAHWEH. And, behold, YAHWEH passed by, and a great...
Vayishev 5782 and the letter Hey Part 1
This week we are looking at the letter hey. The hey is the fifth letter of the alephbet. It looks like a window in the Paleo Hebrew and it means...
Vayishev 5782 and the letter Hey Part 1
This week we are looking at the letter hey. The hey is the fifth letter of the alephbet. It looks like a window in the Paleo Hebrew and it means...
Vayishlach 5782 and the letter Dalet Part 2
Today I was reminded of this awkward translation in Exodus 22:28 [29] that Grant Luton spoke about in one of his teachings. When we read from the English translations is...
Vayishlach 5782 and the letter Dalet Part 2
Today I was reminded of this awkward translation in Exodus 22:28 [29] that Grant Luton spoke about in one of his teachings. When we read from the English translations is...
Toldot 5782 and the letter Dalet Part 1
The letter dalet is the fourth letter of the alephbet. It has the value of 4 and is the picture of a door or a tent door. The letters that...
Toldot 5782 and the letter Dalet Part 1
The letter dalet is the fourth letter of the alephbet. It has the value of 4 and is the picture of a door or a tent door. The letters that...
Chayei Sarah 5782 and the letter Gimmel Part 2
We are busy looking at the letter Gimmel. The first three letters of the Alephbet are laden with dimensions and symbols – all of these letters speak of Adonai Echad...
Chayei Sarah 5782 and the letter Gimmel Part 2
We are busy looking at the letter Gimmel. The first three letters of the Alephbet are laden with dimensions and symbols – all of these letters speak of Adonai Echad...
Vayeira 5782 and the letter Gimmel part 1
The letter gimmel is the third letter of the alephbet and has the value of 3. The picture representation of this letter is a camel. The shape of this letter...
Vayeira 5782 and the letter Gimmel part 1
The letter gimmel is the third letter of the alephbet and has the value of 3. The picture representation of this letter is a camel. The shape of this letter...