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Shalom to you all. In my previous blog post on Shabbat, I shared what I believe to be the heart of Shabbat - the 5 R’s of Sabbath or Shabbat. For me this has been the most essential focus. If you don’t start here, the Sabbath will become a burden and a heaviness that will actually create more unrest than recovery! Deuteronomy/D’varim 30:11 says,”For this mitzvah which I am giving you today is not too hard for you, it is not beyond your reach.” CJB None of Adonai’s commandments should be a burden – I feel that the minute they...

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When? This year Shavuot takes place on the evening on the 8th of June 2019 to the evening of the 10th of June, the 5th - 7th of the 3rd Month/Sivan. What is it all about? This is the day that we not only celebrate the receiving of the Torah 50 days after Pesach/ Passover but it is also the day that the people gathered together ,10 days after the ascension of Yeshua, and received the Ruach HaKodesh/ Holy Spirit. The day is filled with absolute anticipation and the counting of the Omer for 49 days – 7 weeks of...

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They stand apart in the Kingdom as women strong in their convictions to serve through the talents and gifting Father has blessed them with.

We are beyond blessed to call these two women part of our team and our journey and I trust that they will be with us for the long haul.

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I was recovering from a complicated surgery including a hysterectomy and grateful to have made it through. Father's hand was over the whole situation and Romans 8:28 is a scripture that was a soundtrack to my life during this time.

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This is a question many of us new to the revelation of Sabbath have asked. It was all fine and well to come to the revelation of when the Sabbath actually is and that we SHOULD be keeping it but now that you have actually come to this moment how do you do this right? Coming from someone with experience the first piece of advice I can give you is this – RELAX. After all the Sabbath is not meant to stress you out – it is there to bring you rest – created for you to bring deep shalom...

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