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Parashat Re’eh This parsha is all about our spiritual sight. In our previous portions we were focused on hearing the Word – sh’ma-ing the Bread of Life. In modern life we put so much emphasis on sight and so much of our daily lives are stimulated with visual imagery that speak directly to the desires of our souls. We have become so visually stimulated in life that listening has become a secondary and often an unpractised skill. In the physical realm light comes in through the eyes but it happens the other way around in the spirit, faith comes from...

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This Torah portion is a beautiful summary of what the Israelites have walked through and most importantly it speaks to the covenant Adonai Elohim has established with His people - a covenant that comes with walking in obedience and sh’ma-ing each day. This is about a relationship of sh’ma-ing and blessing. What is interesting is how these chapters begin. The word ekev means because, following or as a result of but what we need to see here too is that the literal meaning of this word is ‘heel’. This is the root word of Ya’akov (Jacob) which means ‘he will...

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Va’etchenan This term means then to mercy/grace I appealed. I believe in this time we find ourselves in many people, whether they are believers or not, are appealing for mercy and grace from HaShem. It goes without saying that when we find ourselves stretched, stressed and feeling unsafe this is what our instinct is. What mercy is Moshe speaking of here and what is Moshe's message to the Israelites? The Israelites had at last chosen the pathways that led them to the edge of the promised land they were intended to enter 40 year prior. The last of the generation...

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This parasha is so significant at this time. Yesterday was the 17th of Tammuz – the fast of the fourth month (Zechariah 8) when King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and three weeks later on the 9th of Av the second temple was destroyed. We know that from ancient days past, countless kingdoms and nations have aimed their swords at Israel to bring destruction over the land that Adonai Elohim has declared holy unto Him. The times have not changed and just as the kingdoms past have aimed their weapons at Israel and her people then, so they continue to make war...

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Shelach Did you know that the promise made to Avraham, Yitschak and Ya’akov by our Adonai Elohim was made 300 times in the Torah? How incredible is this! We know that when a promise is emphasised in the Torah it is often repeated but when it is stated 300 times in the Torah, the message is not just being emphasised it is being engraved in hearts, mind and soul. This is a promise from the most High and it will be realised! A promise not just for the people of Israel, the descendant of Avraham and the once enslaved people...

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