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We have now been counting for five weeks! Each day holds a new part of our journey, counting each day holds deeper significance and intention, should we choose to stop and reflect. Counting the Omer is causes us to take stock, to see what we have and to look ahead to what we hope to be holding when we reach our destination. Let’s continue our reflection, as we count 7 days for 7 weeks. 5th day of Creation – HaShem creates the birds and fish When you think of birds and fish, imagine flocks and schools. Consider the currents of...

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We are through the fourth week of the counting. There have been so many things to consider with this week and I am so grateful that we have Shabbat so that we can consider our steps and the steps to come! Let’s continue our reflection, as we count 7 days for 7 weeks. The 4th day of Creation – HaShem creates the sun, moon and stars to govern the day and night, for signs and seasons (moedim) Out of all the days of Creation, this day amazes me the most. HaShem placed the sun, moon and stars on the 4th...

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27 & 28. Tazria and Metzora This is a tough Torah portion when you first start out studying in greater detail – well it was for me anyway. I believe we have only just begun to scratch at the surface of the depth of this particularly parashat and we could spend years on this one alone! It was so amazing to me as I sat reading these chapters that it linked in so beautifully to the 3rd week of the Counting of the Omer and the seed-bearing plants. This chapter is all about life, the bearing of seed and the...

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3 weeks of the Omer have passed. I am not sure about you but I am feeling the pull of the Ruach HaKodesh into certain corners of my house, showing me where more light and attention is required. This Omer Count has certainly been a far greater spiritual journey than I have ever experienced before. We can only give thanks to our precious Abba Father who cares so much for the wellbeing of each of our souls – if we feel conviction in any area of our lives, it is His loving hand that is gently leading us back to...

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Sh’mini – Eighth This was the 8th day of Aharon and his sons time of consecration in the newly built Tent of Meeting. There is so much significance in the number 8. We know that creation was completed on the 6th day and on the 7th day Elohim rested and this has been His instruction to all His people since the beginning - REST. Nothing has changed regarding this! It is a perpetual ordinance that we keep the Sabbath and when we keep the Sabbath we can walk into the 8th day – a day of new beginnings – a...

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