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On day 2 HaShem separated the upper waters from the lower waters. This separation on day 2 is not declared as good. It is only on day 3 when there is a gathering that the day is declared good by Elohim. So, what does this mean for us on this journey of sanctification?

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Week 1 of the Counting of the Omer As we reflect each day on our individual footsteps towards Shavuot may we also reflect on Messiah's footsteps towards us. Times and seasons are becoming more and more intense, the world is changing at an accelerated rate and what we once saw as evil is now being accepted as permissible and good! We are fast approaching the days of Noach and we don't have time to ignore the times and seasons of HaShem's word. It is time for us to prepare our lamps for His return and what better way for us...

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Counting the Omer may be a little foreign to some and it certainly was for me the first time I found out about it. I initially thought it was a Jewish tradition but you may or may not be surprised to know it is part of the yearly feast cycles and is a very important and significant part of Passover and Shavuot. It is a journey of counting up to the middle marker of our moedim and it connects the two seasons intrinsically – Passover to Shavuot[1]. It depicts the release from bondage to the heart of our Father –...

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Tzav – Command Vayikra or Leviticus must be one of the most beautiful books – I think I may end up saying that for all of them though. What I love about this book is that it is all about relationship. Years ago, when I was trying to plough my way though the Bible in a year I would get so stuck in this book. I had no context for these chapters and I was often left unmoved by all the rituals and rules. It was completely foreign and outside of my frame of reference. Today, I still cannot say...

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Korban asham - the guilt offering To me this final korban/offering is just even more evidence of how merciful and king our Heavenly Father is.This offering is not about making atonement from sin but rather it is about our issues with our own sin. It is about the guilt that we carry in our hearts and the wall it creates between us and our Adonai Elohim. It is all about wiping away our shame and showing us that we do have access into His presence. The shame we build up is on our side because we cannot accept that we...

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